He Was Pierced for Our Transgressions, He Was Crushed for Our Iniquities; the Punishment That Brought Us Peace Was Upon Him, and By His Wounds We Are Healed. – Isaiah 53:5
Bible Inspirations > Shareable Images > He Was Pierced for Our Transgressions, He Was Crushed for Our Iniquities; the Punishment That Brought Us Peace Was Upon Him, and By His Wounds We Are Healed. – Isaiah 53:5
Scott Roberts
March 26, 2018
Shareable Images
Christ, cross, crushed, forgiveness, Isaiah, Jesus, nails, pierced, saves, stripes, wounds
He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed. – Isaiah 53:5

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